Spencer Lee Joins Upson and Elliott on The Mat Report

All this season I will be joining PennLive’s Jeremy Elliott on the Mat Report each Wednesday evening.

Franklin Regional’s Spencer Lee is the best pound-for-pound wrestler in the state and makes a good argument for the best in the country.

Over the summer, Lee had soreness in his shoulder. He was cleared to wrestle and captured the World Junior Championships in Brazil.

But when Lee got back to the states, he was diagnosed with a torn labrum in his right shoulder. He had surgery in September and is still going through physical therapy.

Lee joined PennLive’s Jeremy Elliott and papowerwrestling.com’s Jeff Upson on this week’s edition of The Mat Report podcast. The junior discussed his recovery, when he will be back and what weight he plans to wrestle at in the postseason.

There is no denying District 7 features the best wrestling in the state. In Segment 3 of this week’s podcast, Elliott and Upson debated what district is next … District 1 vs. District 3 and District 11.

Read more and listen below!


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