Early Registration for The Surge Ends October 1st, Price to Increase After
PITTSBURGH – Early registration for PA Power Wrestling’s preseason tournament The Surge ends October 1st. Wrestlers who sign up prior to October 1st will pay only $45, as the price is increased to $60 from October 2nd until November 2nd.
Why Compete in The Surge?
Wrestlers who compete in The Surge will have the unique opportunity to wrestle some of the Keystone State’s top talent prior to the official season. The benefit for competitors, especially upperclassmen, is to perform in front of college coaches who will be on hand scouting the field. This is also a chance for incoming freshmen to display their skills and potentially earn a spot on PA Power Wrestling’s prestigious Top Incoming Freshmen report. The Surge will also assist in determining preseason State rankings and class grade rankings. #ProveIt
Who: PA Power Wrestling
What: The Surge Pre-Season Tournament
When: Saturday November 3rd & Sunday November 4th 2018
Where: UPJ Sports Center – 450 Schoolhouse Road Johnstown, PA 15904
Why: Kick off the season by Surging above your competition
How: Register on the FloArena Here!
Price: $45 before October 1st / $60 after October 1st
PA Power Wrestling, the leader in Pennsylvania Amateur Wrestling, is proud to host a Pennsylvania based pre-season tournament, which highlights the Keystone State’s depth of wrestling greatness. The Surge is a unique opportunity for high school wrestlers to showcase the hard work they have put in over the summer – and earn of spot in PA Power Wrestling’s Pre-Season State Rankings. It will also be a chance for rookies to prove their worth and earn a spot in PA Power Wrestling’s annual Top Incoming Freshmen Report.
Registration for The Surge is open to all wrestlers who will be in 8th through 12th grades during the 2018-2019 academic year. While The Surge is a Pennsylvania focused pre-season tournament, registration is open to wrestlers from any State. Entry fee is $45. Space is limited, so wrestlers are encouraged to register early.
***You CAN change weights up until the Tournament***