Oliver and Ruth Victorious in Times Square at BTS

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Easton Area's Jordan Oliver picked up a victory at 65 KG (Photo by John Sachs - Tech-Fall.com)

Easton Area’s Jordan Oliver picked up a victory at 65 KG (Photo by John Sachs – Tech-Fall.com)

New York CIty has been friendly to Pennsylvania Natives who have wrestled in the Big Apple. Two Pennsylvania wrestlers took to the raised mat in the middle of Times Square on Wednesday night as Jordan Oliver (Easton, PA) and Ed Ruth (Harrisburg, PA) both picked up key victories helping Team USA take down the World All-Stars.

3x PIAA State Champion and 2x NCAA Champion Jordan Oliver (Easton Area High School – Oklahoma State University) took on a familiar opponent in Bulgaria’s Boris Novachkov. Oliver and Novachkov, who competed for Cal Poly, met multiple times in the NCAA Tournament during their careers. Competing at 65 KG (143 lbs.) Oliver pulled away in the second period to go ahead (4-1) and claim the victory.

Ed Ruth, a PIAA State Medalist and 3x NCAA Champion (Susquehanna Township High School – Penn State University) was electrifying in his technical-fall over former World Medalist Taymuraz Friev of Spain. Competing at 86 KG (189 lbs.) Ruth was non-stop with offensive points picking up a (10-0) technical-fall scoring eight (8) points in the first period.

Overall Team USA won the dual meet 8-3 over the World All-Stars.

Check out USA Wrestling’s article on the event.


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